Work in Progress 😄😄

 PAY BILL: - 247247 

ACCOUNT: - 0260290360112

A journey of a thousand miles begun with a single step through simply begotten vision to improve maternal health and contribute towards child birth Mortality. 

Your contributions are reaching far and wide because we have managed to put tiles on the floors, renovate the sailing, repair the toilets and paint the clinic as we wait for the arrival of the medical equipment. 

We are trusting God for more hospital beds, delivery bed, staff quarter, properly equipped laboratory and another hospital wing.  Mur Malanga must operate 24/7 and will have some of the best medical equipment in comparison to other medical centers in Siaya County. 

Thank you so much for your support. . . Continue to support the project as work is ongoing

Toilet before and after;

The floor before and work in progress;

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